As part of our Tuition & Financial Aid, Aquinas college offers several scholarships for prospective students in Canada, applicable to our programs including the Office Administration Executive Diploma, Recreation Therapy Aide Diploma, and Massage Therapy Diploma.
Outstanding New Immigrant Scholarship
New immigrants, who have been in Canada for less than a year, may apply for a full scholarship at the college if they meet the following requirements:
- Complete and submit the scholarship application.
- Receive recommendations from various non-profit immigration services affiliated with Aquinas College.
- Fulfil the admission requirements.
- Have excellent academic and professional records (Resume, school records, and employment records).
- Successfully complete an interview with the college authority.
Outstanding Youth Scholarship
Youths aged between 18 and 24 can apply for a full scholarship at the college if they meet the following requirements:
- Complete and submit the scholarship application.
- Receive recommendations from various non-profit youth organizations or Senior High Schools affiliated with Aquinas College.
- Fulfil the admission requirements.
- Have excellent academic and professional records (Resume, school records, and employment records).
- Successfully completed an interview with the college authority.
Scholarship Conditions
Scholarship recipients must:
- Maintain excellent academic performance, with no grades falling below 85.
- Agree to act as a brand ambassador for Aquinas College.
- Foster positive attitudes towards learning.
Please note, failure to meet the scholarship conditions might lead to the termination of the scholarship.
Alberta Student Grants (ASG-FT)
A student is not eligible to receive the Alberta Student Grant for Full-Time Students and the Canada Student Grant for Full-Time Students for the same study period.
eligibility requires:
- Canadian citizenship, permanent residency, or protected person status.
- Alberta residency.
- At least $1 of assessed financial need.
- Enrollment in full-time studies in an eligible program (one-year, apprenticeship, or graduate programs).
- Good standing on previous Canada/Alberta student loans.
- Family income below the specified Income Threshold.
Canada Student Grant for Full-Time Students
This Canada student grant is available to full-time students in financial need. You are automatically assessed when you apply for student aid with your province or territory.
- have a financial need
- are a full-time student in a qualified program at a designated school
- your total family income is less than the income threshold below
if you are a part time student please check Canada Student Grant for Part Time Students.
Canada Student Grant for Part-Time Students
This grant is available to part-time students who are in financial need. You are automatically assessed when you apply for student aid with your province or territory. conditions to apply:
- have a financial need
- are a part-time student in a qualified program at a designated school
- have successfully completed the courses you have been given a grant for in the past; and
- your total family income is less than the income threshold below
if you are a full time student please check Canada Student Grant for Full-Time Students.
Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities (GFD)
The Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities (GFD) may be issued to students who have a documented disability (PD) or persistent or prolonged disability (PPD) and are not eligible to receive the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE), or has costs that are not covered by CSG-DSE. See Chapter 4: Disability section for definitions. To be eligible for GFD, the student must:
- have a documented disability (either a PD, or a PPD) and the requirement for services and/or equipment
- complete a Schedule 4 and have it approved by an authorized official
- be enrolled in a full-time program (at least 60% of a full course load or at least 40% for a student where
- the reduced course load was documented)
- meet all eligibility criteria for receiving Alberta funding, and
- have at least $1 of Alberta calculated need.
For further information on the application and receipt of student aid and government grants, please refer to the available resources.
Grants from other Provinces
Our government approved diploma programs and courses are also eligible for Saskatchewan Student Grants, Grants, scholarships, and other financial supports from British Columbia, Manitoba student aid and loans, Ontario learn and stay grant, Loans and Grants for Full-Time Studies from the government of Nova Scotia.
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