Mental Health Referral

Aquinas College Students

Aquinas College maintains affiliations with various community services that offer comprehensive mental health services.

In instances where students require additional support pertaining to mental and health-related concerns, the student services department is equipped to furnish relevant information and resources to refer you to the right institution.

To further assist students, the college organizes workshops and information sessions that aim to provide targeted support and guidance in addressing these issues.

These initiatives provide students with opportunities for discussions, coping skill acquisition, and access to pertinent resources, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment that prioritizes their mental and emotional wellness.

Collaboration with external community services expands the network of mental health support available to students, complementing the services provided by the student services department.

Through these endeavors, Aquinas College demonstrates its commitment to addressing the diverse needs of its students and promoting holistic development throughout their educational experience helping them choosing the right career.

Check out our student services page for more help with your academic success and career development.


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