Job Search Counselling and Strategies

Job searching can feel overwhelming, but having the proper guidance and techniques makes landing a job much more attainable. Defining your career interests, creating a strategic plan, optimizing your application materials, and broadening your search are all crucial to success as a job seeker. 

When beginning your search, take time to assess your goals, skills, and work values to determine industries and positions that would be a good fit. Are you looking to utilize specific talents or education? Do you prefer working independently or collaboratively? Identifying transferable skills from past experiences can reveal other careers to consider. 

It is also essential to research potential careers and companies beforehand to gauge their viability and culture. Checking labour market data on growing fields and networking with professionals already in your desired industry can provide valuable insights. Their perspectives and advice may open doors to unconsidered opportunities.  

With more apparent career targets defined, you can then map out an intentional job search strategy. Set weekly goals for applications sent, contacts made, and interviews scheduled – creating attainable milestones keeps you accountable. Also, carve out time daily to search listings, polish your resume, or prep for networking calls. Managing your schedule helps you stay calm. 

When applying, you must optimize your resume for each position, highlighting experiences and skills relevant to that role. Incorporating keywords from the job description helps ensure you pass any applicant tracking systems. Show how you can solve their business problems! 

In tandem with fine-tuning your resume, cast a wide net with your job search. Leveraging sites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter and checking individual companies’ career pages will surface far more openings to pursue. Customize your application materials, but be bold and apply both broadly initially and outside your industry. You never know what hidden gems exist!  

With this broad search, interview requests will hopefully start pouring in! Now it is time to prepare to shine in person. Research typical questions for your field and practice responding concisely yet compellingly. Highlight successes and convey your genuine passion. You have got this!

Stay focused and optimistic and leverage every resource available to you. With the right mindset and techniques, you will quickly land job offers! Let me know if you have any other questions.



What are the most effective online job search resources?

LinkedIn, Indeed, ZipRecruiter and a given company’s career page tend to surface the most current and relevant openings. Creating alerts and checking these sites daily is vital.

How many jobs should I apply to each week?

Aim to submit at least 10-15 quality applications per week to start. The more active you are in your search, the sooner offers will come!

What makes a firm interview answer?

Compelling answers feature concise yet complete responses (under 2 minutes) that weave in real examples and stats to validate claims. Convey passion and align to the company’s needs.

Should I tweak my resume for every job I applied to?

Yes! Each resume submitted should be customized to align with that role’s required skills and duties. Mirror language from the job description, too.

What types of questions should I prepare for interviews?

Anticipate behavioural questions about successes and challenges, technical questions on job-related skills, and questions about your motivations and reasons for applying.


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