
Welcome to Aquinas College’s career counseling services. Our mission is to guide and support you through your journey towards career development. This page, part of our comprehensive career service, focuses on a crucial aspect of your professional life: understanding Employment Laws and Rights in Canada. As you navigate the complexities of the job market, it is vital to be well-informed about the legal framework governing employment in Canada.

Understanding Your Employment Rights


Being aware of your rights as an employee is fundamental. This section covers essential aspects of Canadian employment law, including working hours, leave entitlements, and health and safety regulations.

  • Working Hours and Overtime: Familiarize yourself with standard working hours and overtime regulations.
  • Leave Entitlements: Know your rights to vacation, sick, and parental leave.
  • Health and Safety Laws: Understand workplace health and safety laws to ensure a safe working environment.

Navigating Employment Contracts

Key Elements

An employment contract is a cornerstone of your job. This section explains the components of a typical employment contract in Canada.

  • Contract Types: Distinguish between different types of contracts, such as permanent, temporary, and contract work.
  • Terms and Conditions: Learn about the terms and conditions that should be included in your employment contract.
  • Legal Considerations: Understand the legal implications of employment contracts in Canada.

Discrimination and Equal Opportunity

Your Rights

Promoting a workplace free of discrimination is essential. This section provides insights into your rights and the laws that protect you from workplace discrimination.

  • Anti-Discrimination Laws: Learn about the laws that prevent discrimination in the workplace.
  • Filing a Complaint: Understand the process of filing a complaint if you face workplace discrimination.

Termination and Severance

Understanding the Process

The termination of employment can be a complex process. Know your rights and the employer’s obligations in such scenarios.

  • Termination Notice: Understand the rules regarding notice periods and termination.
  • Severance Pay: Get informed about severance pay entitlements under Canadian law.

External Resources and Legal Aid

Helpful Links

Access a curated list of external resources for further information and legal assistance regarding employment laws and rights in Canada.

  • Government Resources: Links to government websites providing detailed information on employment laws.
  • Legal Aid Services: Information on accessing legal aid and advice in Alberta/Calgary.


At Aquinas College – Career College, we are committed to providing you with valuable insights and guidance on career opportunities and career counseling in Canada. We aim to empower you with knowledge about Employment Laws and Rights in Canada, ensuring your professional journey is successful and legally compliant.

For more information on career development services offered by Aquinas College, please visit our main page.

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