Career Fairs: Maximizing the Benefits of Attending Career Fairs and Similar Networking Events. Major Career Fairs in Calgary, Job Fair Canada

Attending career fairs provides job seekers exposure to multiple employers at once while networking for future opportunities. Job seekers can maximize their career fair experience with proper preparation and follow-up. This article outlines tips to get the most out of career fairs in Canada, explicitly highlighting major fairs in Calgary.  

Prepare in Advance

Arriving prepared sets you apart from other attendees. Here is how to get ready:

Research Companies & Positions  

Review the list of participating employers and note the companies you want to approach. Browse their websites, check open positions that fit your background, and customize your resume for opportunities of interest. Understanding the companies, their culture, and potential job openings means you can engage recruiters more meaningfully.  

Update Your Resume

Have hard copies of your updated resume on professional paper ready to distribute. Quantify achievements, tailor resume content to target jobs, and ensure all information is current and error-free. Some fairs allow you to upload your resume in advance so employers have it before speaking with you. 

At the Fair

You only have a brief window to impress recruiters in person. Strategize how to maximize each interaction:

Dress Professionally  

Treat the event as you would a job interview by dressing professionally. Wear a suit or formal attire to convey that you take the opportunity seriously. 

Practice Your Introduction/Pitch 

Prepare and memorize a 30-60 second “elevator pitch” highlighting your background, skills, and career goals aligned with company needs. Sound confident, genuine, and conversational while keeping it concise and impactful.  

Ask Specific Questions  

Ask intelligent, researched questions demonstrating your interest, knowledge of the company/role, why you are a great match, and why you are passionate about pursuing opportunities with them. 

Collect Business Cards

Request business cards from all recruiters you meet, especially those with whom you have productive conversations about potential opportunities. Record brief notes on the back, reminding you of key details discussed.

After the Fair

Your work is still ongoing when you walk out the doors. Make sure to:  

Send Follow-Up Emails

Email recruiters thanking them for their time, reiterating your interest and qualifications, appending your resume, and suggesting the next steps for advancing your candidacy. Personalized emails that reference your previous conversation fare far better than generic templates.

Connect on LinkedIn

Sending LinkedIn connection requests helps keep lines of communication open for networking about future positions. Include a customized message highlighting the context where you met.  

Major Career Fairs in Calgary

Attending local career fairs near your target location allows you to establish in-person connections with area employers. Here are two significant fairs in Calgary to consider attending:   

Calgary Job Fair

Held four times yearly, the Calgary Job Fair attracts over 10,000 job seekers and 150+ employers. Both small businesses and large corporations across diverse industries actively recruit at this popular event.  

Skills Canada Alberta Career Fair  

Co-located each April alongside the Skills Canada Alberta Competition, this fair connects secondary and post-secondary students with employers and industry leaders. It is beautiful for those interested in skilled trades, technologies, and employment prospects in these growing fields.

Job Fairs Across Canada 

Looking beyond your immediate geographic area can significantly broaden your options. Two notable national career fair tours include:  

Canadian National Job Fair Tour 

Running over 140 job fairs annually, coast to coast, this tour conveniently brings local employers directly to job-seeking communities countrywide. The sheer volume and variety of participating companies create ample job prospects.  

Skills Canada National Competition

Occurring each May/June in a different Canadian city each year, this skills competition features a job fair for 13,000 students to network with 500+ employers recruiting the next generation of trades and technology talent. The scale and industry focus make this a prime opportunity for youth job seekers.  


Strategically leveraging career fairs as part of your job search accelerates access to opportunities. 

Key Takeaways  

Attending fairs fully prepared, pitching yourself effectively onsite, and determined follow-up are instrumental to converting connections into interviews and job offers. Do your homework researching participating employers, polish up your resume, rehearse your intro, dress professionally, ask thoughtful questions, take business cards, promptly email after, and connect on LinkedIn.


What should I wear to a job fair?  

Dress professionally in formal business attire – for men, this typically means a suit and tie or, at minimum, a dress shirt, trousers, sports jacket and tie; for women, a matching business suit or dress or dress blouse with dress pants or skirt. You want to make a solid first impression matching a job interview. 

How many copies of my resume should I bring?

Bring at least 20 printed copies of your resume on quality paper, but err toward having extras. Many employers still want hard copies versus only accepting electronic resumes. You must always find out which companies you will connect with versus what you planned.

What should I avoid doing when speaking with employers? 

Do not treat it like you are at a social event – no chewing gum, checking your phone, aggressive self-promotion, or desperation. Please do not get into lengthy conversations or jump into interview mode, questioning them excessively. Keep your introduction succinct and balanced, showing genuine interest in them and highlighting your most robust qualifications.

Should I follow up with the recruiters I met?

Absolutely! Send emails within 24 hours thanking them for their time, reinforcing your fit and enthusiasm for target roles, and appending an updated resume. Offer to discuss further how you can contribute to meeting their hiring needs.

Is applying for the same role with multiple companies at the fair acceptable?

Yes, that is expected. You should pursue opportunities with multiple companies if you are genuinely interested and qualified for similar openings with different employers. Refrain from misleading any recruiters about roles or companies you are applying/interviewing for.


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